My Story

I was always the skinny kid in college. The one who got laughed at for being weak, the one who got rejected by girls, the one who had no social life. I hated my body and myself. I felt like I didn’t fit in anywhere.

I tried to act cool, but I was always awkward. I would crack lame jokes, wear baggy clothes, and pretend to be interested in things I didn’t care about. I was desperate for attention and approval. I was pathetic.

I didn’t have anyone to help me or support me. My parents were too far away and didn’t understand my problems. My friends were too busy with their own lives and didn’t notice my struggles. I felt alone and depressed.

I spent most of my time in my dorm, watching Netflix or playing video games. I didn’t have any hobbies or passions. I didn’t have any goals or dreams. I just wanted to get through each day.

One day, when I was 19, I decided to change my life. I was tired of being the joke, tired of being the loser, tired of being the nobody. I wanted to be strong, confident, and happy. I wanted to be someone.

I joined a gym near my campus and started working out. It was hard at first, but I was determined to stick with it. I learned how to lift weights, do cardio, and eat healthy. I followed a workout program that suited my needs and goals. I also joined an online fitness community where I met other people who were on the same journey as me. They encouraged me, motivated me, and inspired me.

I started to see results. I gained muscle, lost fat, and improved my appearance. I felt more energetic, more alert, and more positive. I also noticed that people started to treat me differently. They respected me, complimented me, and admired me. I made new friends, improved my grades, and joined some clubs. I felt like I fit in somewhere.

I continued to work out and improve myself. I set new challenges and achieved new milestones. I became passionate about fitness and wellness. I decided to become a certified fitness trainer and help others achieve their goals. I wanted to share my story and inspire others.

Today, I am 26 years old and I have a successful career as a fitness trainer. I work with hundreds of ladies who want to challenge themselves and get their dream body and confidence. I love my job and my life. I am proud of who I am and what I have done.

I am no longer the skinny kid. I am a strong, confident, and happy person. I am someone.

But I still have one problem. I still can’t get a date. Maybe I should work on my personality. Or maybe I should just lower my standards. Or maybe I should just give up and get a cat. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. 😂

Some Old Pictures here and there haha..

What my girls say

“I’m really happy i started my journey with you as i have found it to be great value for money. You don’t just give a bunch of exercises, you take your time to ensure i understand how it works. Thanks for all the knowledge coach.”


“I recently started training with stephanie and i’m thoroughly impressed with how knowledgeable she is and her genuine kindness. I feel like i have everything i need to get my life together with her!”


“Hi, I just want to thank you for your excellent service! My husband and i are so happy with all the positive result i have seen training with you. Glad i started this journey.”


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